Self Care and Helpful Tips
Start a journal and keep all pertinent information in it so you have it all in one place and don’t have to remember it all
Some info on aromatherapy-
Jumping off point for info on some essential oils-
Diffuser jewelry DIY article I found...
DIY rollers for essential oils
Some jumping of points for grounding with Aromatherapy
Some info to help with sleep-
dream catchers
body pillows
weighted blankets
Eckard Tolle
Head Space app
YouTube guided meditation videos
YouTube sleep sounds video
Some info for supporting yourself during trauma in general-
Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services.- chapter of a textbook ... but had some helpful info (I did not read it in its entirety)
Mental Health America- This is about natural disaster and mental health but I thought it might still apply. :)
SPEAK- Safe Parents Empower Adults and Kids class- Week Six: Relaxation and Stress Reduction
Some breathing techniques for stress relief-
4-7-8 Breath Relaxation Technique
Some info on trauma anniversaries-
American Psychological Association
Exercise for anxiety- 5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique for Anxiety
Liquimo Motion Bubbler has been found to have a calming effect.
Holding your "oh my God" points
Some info on Chakras-
Align the Chakras to help with Anxiety with Donna Eden!
9 Powerful Techniques to Open Your Heart Chakra
Some info on smudging/cleansing your space-
Dr. Sara Gottfried wrote The Hormone Cure. The book talks some about how to decrease cortisol levels in addition to discovering other hormones that may be out of whack. Its specifically geared to perimenopausal women
"At Beneath The Skin, we know feeling alone can make your life infinitely harder. We want to make it a little easier. That’s why we offer a peer to peer mentoring program specifically created to connect you with a peer mentor to help you feel less alone. "

As with everything under resources, take the time to see what is the best fit for you and your family. This information has not been vetted by KKC Cares, Inc. This information has been shared by parents as a tool they have come across and/or found helpful. Please share anything that you have found so we can add it to our page as a resource for other parents. Thank you!