
“You helped me navigate the family court system; filling out paperwork, advising to get an attorney, helped me contact the Crime Victims Advocate and attended the meeting with me, stayed with me while waiting to see the judge, went into the courtroom with me, helped me make sure the papers were served. Guided me and supported me while contacting the children’s daycare and schools, work and domestic violence. Reminded me of upcoming appointments, paperwork and court dates.”


“Just knowing I wasn’t alone at court was such a relief.”


"You have helped me with so much- crisis management; supporting me through my struggles with Drug and Alcohol abuse/recovery; supported me with my metal health struggles; supported me with police involvement, CPS, doctors, counselors, worked with my team; emergency help when I wasn’t doing good; helped fill out paperwork for DSS and SS; helped me with organization/grocery list/budget; helped me with my personal goals/growth and the steps to take to complete them; scheduling doctor appointments and reminders; talked me down when I was in crisis; helped with family therapy; working on making the right choices and how to be accountable; how to learn to love yourself while working through sexual abuse and domestic violence; how to get help; working through self-harm; very good at putting the kids first in everything."
